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Christmas Bauble/Chocolate orange CoversChristmas Bauble/Chocolate orange CoversChristmas Bauble/Chocolate orange Covers
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#XM36 Christmas Bauble/Chocolate orange Covers

Fan and Feather Matinee Set 7-12 inch dollFan and Feather Matinee Set 7-12 inch dollFan and Feather Matinee Set 7-12 inch doll
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#B66 Fan and Feather Matinee Set 7-12 inch doll

Lovely little set for a 7-12 inch doll, very quick and simple. Looks lovely in one colour or as many as you like - the rainbow version is very cute! Pattern is for a coat, pants, bootees and traditional bonnet with pom poms.


7-8 inch Doll

Approx 40g of 3 ply yarn (US: fingering)

Needles: One pair of 2.5mm needles

9-10 inch Doll

Approx 50g of 4 ply yarn (US: sport)

Needles: One pair of 3.25 mm (UK 10)(US 3); one pair of 2.75 mm(UK 12)(US 2)

11 inch Doll

Approx 75g of DK yarn (US: light worsted)

Needles: 3.75 mm needles (UK 9, US 5)

3mm needles (UK11, no US equivalent use US3)

12 inch Doll

Approx 75g of DK yarn (US: light worsted)

Needles: One pair of 3.25 mm (UK10) (US 3); one pair of 4 mm(UK 8) (US 6)

Gnorman the Gnome Chocolate Orange CoversGnorman the Gnome Chocolate Orange Covers
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#XM35 Gnorman the Gnome Chocolate Orange Covers

Gnorman the Gnome just can't keep away! These chocolate orange covers are quick and easy to make, great for using up scraps of yarn, and just so cute - make a perfect gift.


Scrap of Fur/Tinsel yarn for beard

Small amounts of DK yarn (US:light worsted) in any colours of choice

Scrap of pale pink DK yarn for nose

Tiny piece of toy stuffing for nose

3 ¼ mm needles (UK10, US3)

Gnorman the Gnome Outfit 16-22 inch doll/newborn/0-3m babyGnorman the Gnome Outfit 16-22 inch doll/newborn/0-3m babyGnorman the Gnome Outfit 16-22 inch doll/newborn/0-3m baby
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#XM34 Gnorman the Gnome Outfit 16-22 inch doll/newborn/0-3m baby

Knitting pattern for the cutest little set, perfect for Christmas. Pattern is for a jumper with a 3-D Gnorman with tinsel/furry beard, trousers, little loafers, and a choice of beanie or gnome hat.


21-22 inch Doll/0-3m baby

120g double knitting yarn MC1 (US: light worsted)

100g double knitting yarn MC2 (US: light worsted)

20g double knitting yarn CC1 (US: light worsted)

20g double knitting yarn CC2 (US: light worsted)

10g fur/tinsel/fleece type yarn

Scrap of pink yarn for nose (approx. 5m)

4mm needles (UK 8, US 6)

3.25 mm needles (UK10, US3)

19-20 inch Doll/newborn baby

120g double knitting yarn MC1 (US: light worsted)

100g double knitting yarn MC2 (US: light worsted)

20g double knitting yarn CC1 (US: light worsted)

20g double knitting yarn CC2 (US: light worsted)

10g fur/tinsel/fleece type yarn

Scrap of pink yarn for nose (approx. 5m)

3.75 mm needles (UK 9, US 5)

3mm needles (UK11, no US equivalent use US3)

16-18 inch Doll/prem/small newborn baby

100g of 4-ply yarn MC1 (US: sport)

75g of 4-ply yarn MC2 (US: sport)

20g of 4-ply yarn CC1 (US: sport)

20g of 4-ply yarn CC2 (US: sport)

10g fur/tinsel/fleece type yarn

Scrap of pink yarn for nose (approx. 5m DK is fine if no 4-ply)

3.25 mm needles (UK 10, US 3)

2.75 mm needles (UK12, US2)

All sizes

6 buttons

7-10mm wide Elastic for trouser waistband

Tiny bit of stuffing for nose

Unisex Pram Suit 16-22 inch doll/newborn/0-3m babyUnisex Pram Suit 16-22 inch doll/newborn/0-3m babyUnisex Pram Suit 16-22 inch doll/newborn/0-3m baby
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#E44 Unisex Pram Suit 16-22 inch doll/newborn/0-3m baby

Knitting pattern for a lovely cosy pram suit consisting of trousers, jacket, hat and socks. Pattern features a 3D effect hexagon pattern which looks very effective. Perfect for boys and girls alike.


21-22 inch Doll/0-3m baby

300g double knitting yarn (US: light worsted)

4mm needles (UK 8, US 6)

3.25 mm needles (UK10, US3)

19-20 inch Doll/newborn baby

300g double knitting yarn (US: light worsted)

3.75 mm needles (UK 9, US 5)

3mm needles (UK11, no US equivalent use US3)

16-18 inch Doll/prem/small newborn baby

200g of 4-ply yarn (US: sport) 

3.25 mm needles (UK 10, US 3)

2.75 mm needles (UK12, US2)

All sizes

7 buttons

7-10mm wide Elastic for trouser waistband

Lacy matinee set for 10-16 inch doll/preemie babyLacy matinee set for 10-16 inch doll/preemie babyLacy matinee set for 10-16 inch doll/preemie baby
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#D51 Lacy matinee set for 10-16 inch doll/preemie baby

Knitting pattern for 10-16 inch dolls, featuring a lovely lacy wavy pattern and lots of knitting in lace. Very pretty and girly and a pretty quick knit - lovely to knit for little girls who will love this special set on their dolls. Pattern is for a coat, pants, bonnet and bootees


10-11 inch doll

Approx 50g of 3 ply yarn (US: fingering)

Needles: One pair of 2.25 mm(UK 13)(US 1) or 2.5mm needles if preferred

12-13 inch doll (very tiny preemie)

Approx 60g of 4 ply yarn (US: sport)

Needles: One pair of 3.25 mm(UK 10)(US 3) and one pair of 2.75 mm(UK 12)(US 2)

14 inch doll (preemie baby)

Approx 60g of 4-ply (US: sport)

Needles: One pair of 3.75 mm (UK9) (US5) and one pair of 3mm (UK 11) (no US equiv, use US 3)

15-16 inch doll (early baby)

Approx 80g of DK yarn (US: light worsted)

Needles: One pair of 3.25 mm(UK10) (US 3)and one pair of 4 mm(UK 8) (US 6)

All sizes

3 buttons

Approx 5m knitting in (eyelet) lace

Shirring elastic

Ribbon for bonnet

Fur Trimmed Lacy Matinee Set 16-22 inch doll/preemie-3m+ babyFur Trimmed Lacy Matinee Set 16-22 inch doll/preemie-3m+ babyFur Trimmed Lacy Matinee Set 16-22 inch doll/preemie-3m+ baby
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#XM33 Fur Trimmed Lacy Matinee Set 16-22 inch doll/preemie-3m+ baby

Knitting pattern for a pretty lacy fur trimmed matinee set that is perfect for Christmas but equally pretty in traditional pastel colours. Pattern is for a coat, bonnet and boots. Materials

21-22 inch Doll/0-3m baby

250g double knitting yarn (US: light worsted)

50g double knitting Fur yarn

4mm needles (UK 8, US 6)

3 ¼ mm needles (UK10, US3)

19-20 inch Doll/newborn baby

250g double knitting yarn (US: light worsted)

50g double knitting Fur yarn

3 ¾ mm needles (UK 9, US 5)

3mm needles (UK11, no US equivalent use US3)

All sizes

3 buttons

1m 7mm ribbon for bootees (or you can make a cord)

0.75m wide ribbon for bonnet

Cable needle

Cables and Lace Blanket Pattern (Free with any purchase)Cables and Lace Blanket Pattern (Free with any purchase)Cables and Lace Blanket Pattern (Free with any purchase)
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#H25 Cables and Lace Blanket Pattern (Free with any purchase)

Knitting pattern for a lovely chunky blanket that is perfect for displaying your handknits on for photographs. This pattern is FREE if you add to basket with your order. It is only available with any pattern purchase. If you add the blanket on its own it won't be sent.

The blanket measures approx 110cm x 100cm and is also the perfect size for a lap blanket.

Lacy Lattice Matinee Set 16-22 inch doll (preemie-3m+ baby)Lacy Lattice Matinee Set 16-22 inch doll (preemie-3m+ baby)Lacy Lattice Matinee Set 16-22 inch doll (preemie-3m+ baby)
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#F146 Lacy Lattice Matinee Set 16-22 inch doll (preemie-3m+ baby)

Knitting pattern for a sumptiously lacy and frilly matinee set consisting of coat, shorts, bonnet and bootees. All feature a pretty latticed and lacy pattern.


21-22” Doll (0-3m+ baby)

300g double knitting yarn (US: light worsted) (If using two colours about half of each)

4mm needles (UK 8, US 6)

3 ¼ mm needles (UK10, US3)

19-20” Doll (newborn)

300g double knitting yarn (US: light worsted) (If using two colours about half of each)

3 ¾ mm needles (UK 9, US 5)

3mm needles (UK11, no US equivalent use US3)

16-18” Doll/prem/small newborn baby

200g 4-ply yarn (US: sport) (If using two colours about half of each)

3 ¼ mm needles(UK 10, US 3)

2 ¾ mm needles (UK12, US2)

All sizes

3 buttons

Elastic for waistband

1m wide ribbon for bonnet ties

1.5m narrow ribbon for bootees

Eyelet/knitting in lace (approx. 8m)

Coloured Romper set 16-22 inch dolls/newborn/0-3m babyColoured Romper set 16-22 inch dolls/newborn/0-3m babyColoured Romper set 16-22 inch dolls/newborn/0-3m baby
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#E43 Coloured Romper set 16-22 inch dolls/newborn/0-3m baby

Knitting pattern to make a raglan sleeve romper, hat and boots. The pattern features a scalloped effect ribbon pattern which is simple to do but very effective. Perfect for boys or girls.

Materials (per set)

21-22 inch Doll/0-3m baby

200g main colour; 50g contrast colour double knitting yarn (US: light worsted)

4mm needles (UK 8, US 6)

3.25 mm needles (UK10, US3)

19-20 inch Doll/newborn baby

200g main colour; 50g contrast colour double knitting yarn (US: light worsted)

3.75 mm needles (UK 9, US 5)

3mm needles (UK11, no US equivalent use US3)

16-18 inch Doll/prem/small newborn baby

100g main colour; 40g contrast colour 4-ply yarn (US: sport)

3.25 mm needles(UK 10, US 3)

2.75 mm needles (UK12, US2)

All sizes

8 buttons

Hooded Jacket Set 7-12 inch dollHooded Jacket Set 7-12 inch dollHooded Jacket Set 7-12 inch doll
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#B65 Hooded Jacket Set 7-12 inch doll

Knitting pattern that is simple and knits up very quickly for 7-12 inch dolls. Pattern is for shorts, hooded jacket and boots.


7 inch Doll

Approx 30g of 3 ply yarn in main colour, 20g in contrast (US: baby /fingering)

Needles: One pair of 2.25 mm(UK 13)(US 1)

8-9 inch Doll

Approx 50g of 4 ply yarn in main colour, 25g in contrast (US: fingering/sport)

Needles: One pair of 3.25 mm(UK 10)(US 3); one pair of 2.75 mm(UK 12)(US 2)

10-11 inch Doll

Approx 60g of DK yarn in main colour, 30g in contrast (US: sport/light worsted)

Needles: 3.75 mm needles (UK 9, US 5)

3mm needles (UK11, no US equivalent use US3)

12 inch Doll

Approx 60g of DK yarn in main colour, 30g in contrast (US: sport/light worsted)

Needles: One pair of 3.25 mm(UK10) (US 3); one pair of 4 mm(UK 8) (US 6)

All 4 sizes

4 buttons

Shirring elastic

Checkmate Dungaree set 16-22 inch dolls/newborn/0-3m babyCheckmate Dungaree set 16-22 inch dolls/newborn/0-3m babyCheckmate Dungaree set 16-22 inch dolls/newborn/0-3m baby
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#E42 Checkmate Dungaree set 16-22 inch dolls/newborn/0-3m baby

Knitting pattern for a simple patterned set that suits boys or girls. Pattern is for short dungarees, jacket, beanie, boots and a matching blanket.

Materials (per set)

21-22 inch Doll/0-3m baby

200g main colour; 100g contrast colour double knitting yarn (US: light worsted)

4mm needles (UK 8, US 6)

3.25 mm needles (UK10, US3)

19-20 inch Doll/newborn baby

200g main colour; 100g contrast colour double knitting yarn (US: light worsted)

3.75 mm needles (UK 9, US 5)

3mm needles (UK11, no US equivalent use US3)

16-18 inch Doll/prem/small newborn baby

100g main colour; 75g contrast colour 4-ply yarn (US: sport)

3.25 mm needles(UK 10, US 3)

2.75 mm needles (UK12, US2)


400g Chunky yarn (US: Bulky)

6mm needles (UK 4, US 10)

All sizes

5 buttons

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